Your Retirement Years – Episode 6

26 June, 2019

Your Retirement Years With Phil Usher

Each month, private aged care specialist and Odyssey Lifestyle Care Communities founder, Phil Usher is joined by a variety of guest speakers to discuss the aged care landscape in Australia. Presented by 4CRB, Your Retirement Years reviews the changes that are on the horizon and underway within the retirement and aged care industry.

Episode 6 – Tim Russel

This week on Your Retirement Years presented by 4CRB, Phil Usher talks to Aura Holdings Director and futurist Tim Russell. Tim is widely known in the retirement sector as one of the leaders taking charge of the new look of retirement villages.

Tim has a background in finance, accounting and has many years’ experience within the retirement industry. Recognising the need for an improvement in accommodation within the sector, Tim has been at the forefront of anticipating consumer demand and breaking the traditional mould of retirement living.

In today’s discussion, Phil and Tim talk about the new look of aged care and some of the niceties people can look forward to in the future.