Your Retirement Years – Episode 18

28 September, 2020

Your Retirement Years With Phil Usher

Each month, private aged care specialist and Odyssey Lifestyle Care Communities founder, Phil Usher is joined by a variety of guest speakers to discuss the aged care landscape in Australia. Presented by 4CRB, Your Retirement Years reviews the changes that are on the horizon and underway within the retirement and aged care industry.

Episode 18 – Terryll Morrisey

In this month’s episode of Your Retirement Years presented by 4CRB, Phil Usher talks to Terryll Morrisey who has been in the aged care industry for over 27 years.

Today’s discussion focuses on dispelling the fears of moving into retirement or aged care, what causes this fear and why making the move is not something to be feared.

Both Phil and Terryll have talked to many people over the years, who after moving into aged care, often wonder why they were scared and sat on the fence for so long.